FFXIV  ››  Explanation of the tool  ››  Example of change color

Example of change color

Administrator    12    7/14/2021 11:19:42 AM    ID:808e1WOnUudWA000000

Change the color. This is done in [Virtual Reality Studio version 0.8.3] and [FFXIV Plug-in Latest Version].


Administrator    7/14/2021 11:20:51 AM    ID:80te1WOnULaDkD00000

**** Black Summer Halter / Black Summer Tanga ****

Execute <Browse...> with <SQUARE ENIX-FFXIVARR model read>.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:24:08 AM    ID:80te1WOnUbWtiD00000

Select 'Black Summer Halter' [D2366C4F-93CC8B2C] in the list of colors.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:24:26 AM    ID:80te1WOnUb10t000000

Select [Color...] from the [Modify] menu.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:24:42 AM    ID:80te1WOnUbdkj000000

A color window opens.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:24:57 AM    ID:80te1WOnUbn9gD00000

Change the three colors and press the [Update] button.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:25:19 AM    ID:80te1WOnUajDd000000

Select 'Black Summer Tanga' [D2366C4F-CA4BC9B4] in the list of colors.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:25:33 AM    ID:80te1WOnUaDiq000000

The color window will display the 'Black Summer Tanga'.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:25:48 AM    ID:80te1WOnUabOt000000

Change one color and press the [Update] button.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:26:03 AM    ID:80te1WOnUA8io000000

**** Colosseum Loincloth - Color scheme worn by NPC at Costa del Sol ****

Select 'Colosseum Loincloth NPC' [8F866DCB-F76131D4] in the list of colors.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:26:24 AM    ID:80te1WOnUAkgt000000

Select [Export as is chunk] from the [Modify] menu and save it with a file name of your choice.
* The data to be exported will be the last selected data in the entire list. For example, if the texture is the last selected operation, that texture will be exported. You can check what is exported by the default file name.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:26:37 AM    ID:80te1WOnUAGba000000

Select 'Taffeta Loincloth' [F8815D5D-F76131D4] in the list of colors.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:26:52 AM    ID:80te1WOnUAAlL000000

Select [Import as is chunk] from the [Modify] menu to load the file saved earlier.
* The data to be imported will be the last selected data in the entire list. For example, if the texture is the last selected operation, that texture will be imported. You can check what is imported by the default file name.

Administrator    7/14/2021 11:27:06 AM    ID:80te1WOnUNl18000000

You can see in the color preview that the color scheme has been changed to NPCs.
* Since the color data is replaced, the reference destination of the texture included in the color data will also be changed.

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